Wednesday, April 18, 2018

North Myrtal Beach

Ignore this part of the post if you do not have a toolbox or know what is in your partners. Gordon and I walked 1 and 1/2 Miles this morning to an electronics supply store to buy a multi-meter so he could finish the thruster switch installation project. We bought one and returned to the boat to put it away for later use when Gordon noticed a zippered side pouch on the tool bag... in addition to several sets of Alan wrenches, it contained the multi-meter that I could not find. Now I have two!

Gordon was able to solve the bow thruster riddle, so we now have both working! After refueling and pumping out the black water holding tank, we got underway around 10 am. It was a beautiful day down here, and we were able to drive the boat from the fly bridge through miles of deep wide waterways with the wind at our back, arriving as we had planned at a lovely marina just north of Myrtle Beach by 4 pm.

More details to follow - I am done in for today!

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