Monday, April 16, 2018

Charleston, SC

Last night we slogged through a steady rain to a nearby restaurant where Anne had shrimp and grits and I had a gumbo! We were among a very few dinners who had ventured out. It was an extremely  wet evening. Kate enjoyed her fish tacos and Gordon knocked back an order of something that had the word schnitzel in it.

This morning Dale, the local marine mechanic, arrived at 8:30 am and fairly quickly determined that we had a faulty switch in the thruster circuit, so we hope the new one will arrive early tomorrow morning here in Charleston. The weather was favorable for our 7 hour trip up here, though at times the current was not our friend and the serpentine route led into challenging shallow waters. Turns out that you can neither use the auto pilot or day dream along many sections of the intercostal waterway.

We are tied up as far as a vessel can get from the marina office and restrooms - so far that the WiFi does not work. Thankfully we had dinner planned on board and enjoyed another fine meal even without use of the grill - which we had planned to use, but could not due to the strong westerly wind. 

Tomorrow we hope the new switch arrives early enough that we can make Georgetown, SC, another 60 miles north. Otherwise, who knows! You would not believe how many HUGE boats are filling this marina to capacity. 


  1. Enjoying your travel log Ray! Thanks for the postings. You are not missing much good weather here, either! Safe passage. Look forward to seeing you. Enjoy yerselves!

  2. Thank you. Looking forward to being with you and Susie again soon.
