Saturday, April 28, 2018

Finally is in Her New Home

And we are home! The yard is not wildly overgrown and the house has not been taken over by spiders and ants. So nice to be back with a full kitchen, in a place with no holding tank, and in a bed which does not feel like a coffin.

We enjoyed a lovely morning in Solomons and got underway around Noon. The 4 1/2 hour ride across the bay was mostly smooth, and we had a brisk SSE wind at our back. Amazed at how many fishing boats we saw, large charters and small private boats. I hope the rockfish population can withstand the assault.

I now have a daunting list of things to deal with for the boat, from the water leaking at the base of the toilet to the generator, and many other little things that collectively should keep me out of trouble for a while.

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