Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Fair Winds and the Intercoastal Coastal Slitherway

It was so cold last night that I had to get up in the middle of the night and add a layer of clothing. This is April in South Carolina?

After some initial confusion over the delivery of the new switch for the thrusters, we got underway, headed to Georgetown, SC around 10:30 am. It warmed up, and the route was fairly straightforward, but a number of sections were so shallow that our bottom skimmed the soft mud. Navigating these shallow stretches is nerve wracking and exhausting. Gordon drove the hardest part! Otherwise it was a pleasant trip up to the Harborwalk marina which is in easy walking distance to downtown Georgetown, where we arrived at 6:45 pm. This little town has a giant paper plant and a soon to be reopened steel mill, though numerous store fronts on Main Street are vacant. The thriving businesses are restaurants serving the boaters, and we enjoyed an excellent dinner at one of them, Big Tuna.

Gordon’s effort to install the new thruster switch was only partially successful as we are missing a critical tool, a multi-meter circuit tester. The one I had purchased has mysteriously disappeared... so we will be off first thing tomorrow to buy a new one.

1 comment:

  1. Ray, you need a handyman. That’s what I do.
    Sounds like a fun adventure, though. Post more pictures!
